$connect=mysql_connect ("deeneislam.netfirmsmysql.com", "u70304070", "5e3514") or die ('System Error, Please check back in a few moments, Database Connection Error: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("d60280559");
$RSLatest = mysql_query("Select ContentID, Data5, Title, BasePath, Case When COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')='' Then Title Else UrduTitle End As Caption , ContentName,Case When COALESCE(fkParentSectionID,0)=0 Then fkSectionID Else fkParentSectionID End As Section From TblContents Where isEnabled=1 And COALESCE(fkParentSectionID,0)<>73 And COALESCE(fkSectionID,0)<>73 And COALESCE(fkParentSectionID,0)<>76 And COALESCE(fkSectionID,0)<>76 And DateLastModified >= '2020-01-01' Order By DateLastModified Desc, ContentID Desc Limit 0,5") or die ("No New updates. " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($RSLatest) <= 0)
//echo("Record $p_bl_no not found");
while($rowArticle = mysql_fetch_object($RSLatest))
if($rowArticle->Section >=1 && $rowArticle->Section <= 6)
if($rowArticle->Section >=19 && $rowArticle->Section <= 28)
if($rowArticle->Section ==52)
"> |
$RSLatest = mysql_query("Select ContentID, Data5, Title, BasePath, Case When COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')='' Then Title Else UrduTitle End As Caption , ContentName,Case When COALESCE(fkParentSectionID,0)=0 Then fkSectionID Else fkParentSectionID End As Section From TblContents Where isEnabled=1 And COALESCE(fkParentSectionID,0)<>73 And COALESCE(fkSectionID,0)<>73 And COALESCE(fkParentSectionID,0)<>76 And COALESCE(fkSectionID,0)<>76 And DateLastModified < '2020-01-01' Order By DateLastModified Desc, ContentID Desc Limit 0,20") or die ("No New updates. " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($RSLatest) <= 0)
//echo("Record $p_bl_no not found");
while($rowArticle = mysql_fetch_object($RSLatest))
if($rowArticle->Section >=1 && $rowArticle->Section <= 6)
if($rowArticle->Section >=19 && $rowArticle->Section <= 28)
if($rowArticle->Section ==52)
"> |
$RSMAS = mysql_query("Select EnglishTitle, UrduTitle, Venu, Filename, DATE_FORMAT(Dated, '%D %b %Y') As Batareekh, Duration, Filesize From TblBayan Where fkMuqarrirID=4 And COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')<>'' Order By Dated Desc Limit 0,4") or die ("No New bayan. " . mysql_error());
while($rowMAS = mysql_fetch_object($RSMAS))
} ?>
$RSMTU = mysql_query("Select EnglishTitle, UrduTitle, Venu, Filename, DATE_FORMAT(Dated, '%D %b %Y') As Batareekh, Duration, Filesize From TblBayan Where fkMuqarrirID=3 And COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')<>'' Order By Dated Desc Limit 0,4") or die ("No New bayan. " . mysql_error());
while($rowMTU = mysql_fetch_object($RSMTU))
} ?>
$RSMRU = mysql_query("Select EnglishTitle, UrduTitle, Venu, Filename, DATE_FORMAT(Dated, '%D %b %Y') As Batareekh, Duration, Filesize From TblBayan Where fkMuqarrirID=6 And COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')<>'' Order By Dated Desc Limit 0,2") or die ("No New bayan. " . mysql_error());
$rowMRU = mysql_fetch_object($RSMRU);
$rowMRU = mysql_fetch_object($RSMRU);
?> |
$RSMTJ = mysql_query("Select EnglishTitle, UrduTitle, Venu, Filename, DATE_FORMAT(Dated, '%D %b %Y') As Batareekh, Duration, Filesize From TblBayan Where fkMuqarrirID=5 And COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')<>'' Order By Dated Desc Limit 0,2") or die ("No New bayan. " . mysql_error());
$rowMTJ = mysql_fetch_object($RSMTJ);
$rowMTJ = mysql_fetch_object($RSMTJ);
$RSMAS = mysql_query("Select EnglishTitle, UrduTitle, Venu, Filename, DATE_FORMAT(Dated, '%D %b %Y') As Batareekh, Duration, Filesize From TblBayan Where fkMuqarrirID=7 And COALESCE(UrduTitle,'')<>'' Order By BayanId Desc Limit 0,2") or die ("No New bayan. " . mysql_error());
$rowMAS = mysql_fetch_object($RSMAS);
$rowMAS = mysql_fetch_object($RSMAS);
?> |